Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Head case, my job.

Here's a little story that is part of a larger story. I went on an interview marathon. Four interviews in three days. Phew. I think I am going to do my temp work on an issue that is really almost too close for comfort but I think I am ready to try. Here's some background.

When I was not yet born Mom and Dad lived in a Colorado Mountain town. The water supply that spring was not always good. Sometimes the neighbors would complain of the taste and floaties coming from the tap. Several children were born with horrible birth defects that summer. In December Mom went into labor with me ( WAY too early) and went to the hospital. She had an emergency Cesarean section.

I was born with Craniostynostosis. It's a disease that causes the bones in a fetus head to fuse and harden. The skull shouldn't fuse until much later in development so the brain can grow- think around the age of 6 and completely after teenagerhood. Without surgery brain damage is a possibility, death is too. The doctors did a very long, very painful surgery to correct my defect. It was successful. (Even though sometimes I do/say/act like an idiot for no discernible reason other than obvious brain damage.) I sometimes have headaches. I have had a mild headache for 28 years.

There were many others born with the defect. And still others with different defects. WHY?? The government (EPA among others) launched an investigation. A few years ago the water was found to be contaminated with heavy metals. And they found pollutants in the soil. And there was crap in the air, too. The whole aquatic ecosystem had collapsed from mining activities that happened, are you ready?...138 years before.

So the government declared our little city water pools a SUPERFUND site and began clean up. Now, nobody ever said the water made me sick. I have my hunches and some pretty promising sources but am not ready to make a direct accusation. Plus, the reality is even after billions of dollars in clean up the water, soil and air will never be 'clean' they will just be 'clean enough.' These things are complicated and I will write more later in new entries.

What's a girl to do? I went to one of the best schools in the nation to get my Environmental Studies Degree to figure it out. And for good measure I got a Community Leadership certificate so I could use what I learn to help people PROTECT themselves. (yeah, the minor in geography to find out how far the problem extends;)

What really stinks is, even if I wanted to personally fill the mines that are leaking cyanide, mercury, lead, beryllium, arsenic, and other nasties into the water supply, I can't. Cleaning up those site is ILLEGAL. Due to antiquated legislation no one except the government can touch the tailings or the mines themselves. There are more than 800 abandoned mines in Colorado. I think about that every time I am hugging the toilet to throw up because the pain of YET ANOTHER headache. I think about that every time I think about having babies myself. I think about the stuff sitting in my bones every time I have to explain to yet another doctor that I am still in pain. And that no, the medication did not help, and that no, I am not ready to live with it.

So starting Thursday, I am going to work with an environmental non-profit to PROTECT myself, my community, and my family from ever having to deal with something like this again. I am just glad the defect did not kill me. It could have, but I am lucky I am to be able to fight for everyone's right to drink clean water.

For just a few weeks I am going to knock on doors and say, hey friends, you should think about your little babies heads and vote. Vote for the environment. Then I am off to Indonesia to work with a different water, the water of life that sustains us all. The water from God washing away the pain of illness and anger at injustice and replacing it with joy and purpose.


Anonymous said...

Have you read _A Civil Action_? That's about a water problem in the town where I lived when I was kid. Sounds all too familiar!

Laura said...

I have not read this. But I think I will just for fun. Thank you. Can I ask where you are from? Perhaps I have studied the issue.