Monday I met with the super ultra not kidding nice folks at the Rocky Mountain Synod about entrance to candidacy for ordained ministry. The interview was intense but I maintained composure and they had really kind things to say when we were done. At home I sat and waited for the phone call and at around 5:10PM yesterday they called and told me that I am in fact in candidacy. I cried and thanked them for the honor. And I am thankful for this opportunity to start this new chapter in my life.
Goodbye to friends and family all this week, sent my boxes via the mail today. I am soooooo grateful for this amazing country's mail service. Having lived for six months in a place where things were lost, stolen, or destroyed when they arrived, mailing with confidence is wonderful. Where are my clothes, books, and meditation pillow going to be in 6-10 business days? Right were I sent them, in good condition, and at low cost! Yipee!
Friday night I fly out to California see Pea pod, Mr. Muftipuff, and Kate. Then moving into Berkeley in a few weeks. I can't stop thinking of Joni Mitchell song 'California', mainly because it is happy but also melancholy. The way she sings "I'm coming home, to see the folks I dig. I'll even kiss a sunset pig." is both elating and heartbreaking. For the first time, California is my home. Let the myth of dualism dissolve in the joy of reality.